mayo 29, 2022
Another Lucas Diesel Systems success at Autopromotec, Bolonia.
Autopromotec is the most important show in Italy for the Aftermarket Business and we just couldn’t miss it. This year has taken place after four years, due to the pandemic situation we have all suffered during the last two years. Lucas Diesel Systems has been there with new and innovative Test Equipment, Remanufactured Diesel Injector and Pumps applications and a huge range of Components for the diesel world.
It has been the right opportunity to meet friends and get updated on each one situation, analyse future market trends and develop strategies to face the outstanding opportunity we are facing for the next 10 years in the diesel aftermarket.
Show opened its doors at Bologna from Wednesday 25 to Saturday 28 May. Besides suppliers exhibiting its products and services, as we were prepared to do, it has been a time to exchange best practices and “shake hands” with friends in beautiful Bologna.
It was very interesting showing our portfolio of Remanufactured Diesel Injectors and Injection Pumps, Components and Test Equipment. We are proud to say that we have received more than 100 visits of all kinds of customers, from workshop owners to small, medium and large distributors, all willing to see our latest developments, such as VDO Injectors, CP4 Pumps and new released EUI and HEUI Test Bench, showing all a very high level of satisfaction with the quality of our product and the availability and service provided.
Lucas Diesel Systems and our partners make an unrivalled team, it is our common success history. Once again, thank you all for the opportunity to meet, we have enjoyed so much talking to you all, it was a great time together.